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Ambassador Profile - PlutoniumSox

Ambassador Profile - PlutoniumSox

"We hear a lot in the media about self-care. It usually relates to bubble baths, champagne and spa days. As a busy parent, I appreciate the importance of taking time for myself. But for me, self-care means something different. 


You can keep your roll-top baths, saunas and massages. Give me a camper van with a great awning, open water to swim in, a daily run in the fresh air with my dogs and a stand-up paddle board and I'll be happy. Add a campfire and a glass of wine in the evening and I'll go to sleep happy. 


These are the sorts of experiences I can share with my family. Getting back in touch with nature, seeing beautiful scenery, appreciating glorious sunsets and walking for miles. Children can't bounce off the walls if you take the walls away. 


As a family, we get along much better when we're outdoors and active. Camper van holidays are the best way to harness that feeling, whatever the weather." 

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