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How to care for your camping vehicle this winter

Posted by Katie Martin on 11th Oct 2022

How to care for your camping vehicle this winter

How to care for your camping vehicle this winter

It’s that time of year when it’s time to give your campervan, caravan, or motorhome some TLC ahead of the cold winter months. We’ve put together some great tips and tricks below on what you need to do to ensure your vehicle is ready for the winter…

The big clean…

The big clean is one of the most important parts of retiring your vehicle for the winter. Plus, you’ll thank yourself later when spring comes around, you’ll have a clean and tidy vehicle ready to go!

So, as we said, the big clean. This can be quite daunting but really, it’s just a matter of cleaning up the vehicle so it’s clean and tidy, there’s no food that might expire or attract unwanted pests, your bedding is clean and of course, your toilets are emptied, and your floors are all hoovered.

Checking for damages

Now once you’ve done the big clean, it’s time to start preparing your vehicle for winter. We would always recommend using your vehicle during the winter months even if it’s to start the engine and get everything working on a bi-weekly basis just to make sure it’s not subjected to any winter-related damages.

If you know your vehicle is going to be at a standstill for the winter, you need to consider one of the main causes of damages… Water.

Water is a common issue during the winter as it can lead to leakages, ice, and dampness. We recommend draining any and all water from your vehicle’s system. This can include taps, showers, and any heating systems you may have installed in your vehicle (refer to your vehicle’s manuals for further instructions).

If you do notice any vulnerable areas in your vehicle which could have the potential for leakages, make sure to get them fixed straight away.

General Maintenance

Depending on where you will be storing your vehicle over the colder months, make sure to invest in a breathable cover for your vehicle, specifically one that’s water-resistant and UV protected which will help combat algae and mould as well as other factors. You can take a look at our range of vehicle covers here.

We recommend taking your vehicle on a lengthy drive to keep up the overall health and maintenance of your vehicle and prevent any issues before the warmer months.

Give your vehicle some extra TLC by following your vehicle’s manual on how you need to care for it. Some vehicles need special lubricants, waxes, and fluids to ensure your overall vehicle health so make sure to check your manuals!

As well as giving your vehicle TLC, most vehicle owners are advised to remove the battery and store it in a dry and warm location. This will preserve its life, but again make sure to check your manuals before doing so.

Prevent rust by applying silicone oil onto locker hinges and any features that may lead to rusting.

Finally, check your vehicle manual for further care instructions and in no time, your vehicle will be packed away for the winter! 

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