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Beyond Glamping

1st Jul 2014


Beyond Glamping

What Type Of Happy Camper Are You?

The current UK economic climate has seen a huge surge in interest in camping this summer, according to British camping manufacturer OLPRO whose sales have doubled since 2012 (

First came the trend for more glamorous camping – or glamping, as it is known – but, working with behavioural psychologist Barbara Bishop, OLPRO have identified a host of camping sub-groups into which most of the British population can be included.

Wigwamping – our love affair with camping begins in childhood. Everyone has had a wigwamper moment – whether it be crafting a tent from a clothes’ horse and blanket or playing cowboys & Indians in the garden.

Cramping – penniless students are the main cramping protagonists. It involves bunking down in your car overnight or cramming as many people into a borrowed tent as you can to save money wherever possible.

Amping – these are the types who see themselves as uber-cool and only camp at festivals. Happy to rough it for a couple of days, this is usually the only time their tent sees the light of day.

Champing – a rite of passage for any young family. Champing involves leaving at some ungodly hour to catch a cross-Channel ferry to France for a week’s holiday. Champing takes it’s name from toasting one’s success at putting up a family-size tent with a mug of the fizzy stuff.

Scamping – men are the ones who mainly make up this category. A scamper is a boy scout who has never grown up. Scamping involves using the latest gadgets, packing with military precision and ensuring enough kit is involved to ensure a family survives a nuclear holocaust.

Vamping – if men are scampers then women are vampers. These are the ladies who see style being just as important as function. Alongside their tent, vampers can often be spotted with a VW Camper van – the must-have accessory.

Tramping – trampers are committed campers. They are the new back packers and are also very eco-aware. They tend to walk everywhere as the journey is key to the overall experience – it’s less of a holiday for them and more of a life event.

Shamping – shampers hate camping but talk a good camp. Even if they buy a tent, it’s unlikely to ever be used as they’ll opt for a hotel bed over an inflatable mattress every time.

Commenting on the findings, Barbara Bishop said:

“It’s interesting to note that, whilst people share a similar hobby or interest – in this instance camping – they still stamp their own unique personality on it.

Die hard campers who model themselves on Bear Grylls tend to look down on the sub groups for not camping ‘authentically’ but, ultimately, camping is about a love of the outdoors and sleeping under the stars, no matter how you dress it up or down!”

Check out the full range from OLPRO at

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