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Celebrity Campers

25th Oct 2021

Celebrity Campers

Celebrity Campers

Have you ever wondered which celebrities out there love to go camping? Well we’ve put together a quick list of superstars that you might not have realised love the great outdoors just as much as you do!

Matt Le Blanc

Matt Le Blanc is said to enjoy the ‘back to basics’ way of camping and has been a regular camper all his life!

Camping doesn’t have to be glamorous nor does it have to be costly, you can order any sized tent for a really good price and get to experience the great outdoors like never before!

Zac Efron

Zac Efron has become an activist for exploring the outdoors and getting to see the beautiful views and cultures of a variety of countries! Zac Efron recently went hiking and camping in Montana’s Rocky mountains, experiencing a range of climates!

We’d recommend backpacking across Europe and getting to experience the outdoors, other countries and cultures like never before!

Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton loves to travel in an RV, whether that be for a tour or even as a camping holiday! Dolly has even said that she prefers to stay in her RV rather than a hotel! Whilst Dolly might have a more glamorous camping trip, she still gets to enjoy what nature has to offer.

Renovating an RV, campervan or caravan is a great way for you to get to experience the great outdoors wherever you go. What’s not to love about driving around your favourite countries in the comfort of your own vehicle!

Chris Martin

Chris Martin from Coldplay is quite an experienced camper! When he was younger he used to go camping a lot with his family and his dad even owned a Caravan company! Chris still likes to get out and about camping now and was even planning to go camping with Jay-Z and Beyonce!

Camping with your friends can be a great experience, making unforgettable memories and experiencing the world together.

Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver is quite well known for setting up camp in his VW campervan at food festivals and campsites and loves to enjoy spending time with his family in the great outdoors.

Festival camping is a great way to have fun, met new people and have some well deserved time away from the hustle and bustle of life with like-minded people!

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey as you would expect from his movies is quite the explorer, so much so he once left his Malibu Mansion to live on the beach in a Caravan! McConaughey also themed his wedding around camping, offering all guests to camp out in tents! If you’re thinking of having a creative wedding, why not try camping in a tent?

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