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Creating A Perfect Garden Camping Experience

Creating A Perfect Garden Camping Experience

If you usually spend your bank holidays heading off to camp in the great outdoors, the idea of spending the Easter weekend confined indoors may not be so appealing. Thankfully, we’re here to come to your rescue. This week, we’re supporting the ‘Great Garden Inside/Outside Camp’ in order to help lift your spirits. The event is taking place on the 10th, 11th and 12th of April, and is there to give us a little something to look forward to during these uncertain and difficult times. We spoke recently about the benefits that come with camping in your own back garden, but how can you make it an enjoyable experience for everyone? Read on for our top tips on how to create the perfect garden camping experience!

1: Make it Cosy

Once you’ve got your tent pitched, the first thing to do is make it comfortable and of course, extra cosy. Layer up the ground with your tent carpet or groundsheet and perhaps even a few blankets or cushions just to make things extra comfortable - particularly if you’ve got some fussy sleepers taking part! If you don’t have a complete set of sleeping bags for the whole family, no worries - just grab your duvets and pillows to make things a little more homey!

2: Add Some Personal Touches

Particularly if you’ve got younger children who have never camped out before, this can be a great way to get them excited about things. Put up some fairy lights to make it look cosy, along with some colourful cushions or perhaps even get the kids involved in creating some bunting or decorations for outside your tent. If they’re still a little dubious about the whole thing, encourage them to bring their own pillow or perhaps even their favourite cuddly toy so that literally the whole family can take part.

3: Cook Inside if it’s Easier

While you may want to break out the camping grill to cook up some burgers for dinner, remember that the beauty of camping in your back garden is that your kitchen is mere feet away! Particularly if you have curious little ones running around and you’re concerned about safety, it can be easier to do the bulk of your cooking indoors and then bring out the finished feast for everyone to enjoy in the tent.

4: Have a No Gadgets Rule

Once you’ve eaten and it starts to get a little dark, it may be tempting to curl up in your tent watching something on your tablet or smartphone - but that defeats the point of camping! Tear yourself away from that box set for one night and actually use the opportunity to talk to your loved ones and enjoy some quality time together. While you may not want to part with your smartphone fully for the evening, switch off your notifications and keep it out of reach to help avoid any temptation.

5: Layer Up

If you’re used to the whole camping experience, this is one you’ll be well aware of already. However, if you’re a camping newbie or someone else in your group is, this is definitely one to bear in mind. Make sure everyone has sensible clothing to wear and that you have plenty of jumpers to hand in case the temperature takes a dip at any point.

6: Keep Things Well Lit

Of course probably the biggest benefit of camping in your own back garden is that you have immediate access to clean facilities! Make sure that you have a well lit path from your tent to the back door in case anyone needs to use the toilet during the night, or you could perhaps even leave a light on in your house just to help you get your bearings - no matter how well you know your garden, waking up in the middle of the night can still be quite disorientating. You’ll thank us later!

So all that’s left now is to pitch up that tent! We all know this isn’t going to be the Easter weekend we had planned for, but a garden camping experience is definitely going to be one way to lift those spirits and to create that much needed holiday feeling. At OLPRO, we’re proud to be supporting the Great Garden Inside/Outside Camp this Easter weekend - it’s the perfect excuse to enjoy some family time away from the telly!

Written by Amy Jackson - Content Writer at Promo Codes For - 6th April 2020

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