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How to Camp Sustainably

How to Camp Sustainably

When camping it can sometimes be trickier than you think to enjoy the outdoors in an environmentally-friendly way that is sustainable for the planet. Most food packaging is single use and plastic, and you might still be using plastic zip lock bags which you often have to throw away. Whilst we know it’s not always easy, we want to help you be more sustainable on your camping holidays and protect the environment.

Luckily for you, the first step of being sustainable on holiday is actually going camping! Going camping gives your home a break from the constant need for electricity, heating and energy, which is also good to help bring those bills down and let you fall in love with nature.


Try hiking as much as possible! We all know how easy it can be to hop in the car and drive to the destination we need, but if the location is within walking distance, try walking there and back! Walking is known for improving your mental and physical health and can really help keep you motivated and also helps reduce carbon emissions.

Green Campsites

There are a variety of eco-friendly campsites that you can visit that work extremely hard to have as little impact on the environment as possible. If you’re looking to find the most sustainable campsite, you can do so here by checking out


When camping, it can be quite hard to light a fire without thinking of how it will impact the environment, however there are alternatives! You can use eco-friendly products such as natural fuel.
Food packaging is damagingto the environment and it’s rarely reusable or recyclable. You can soon accumulatequite a lot of it if you’re going for long stay camping trips. Depending on what your campsite offers, there may not be any option to recycle separately from general waste so if you are worried about the amount of single use plastics, you can dispense all of your food into food containers that will keep your food fresh as well as being reusable and washable. Here at OLPRO we sell containers made from rice husk which is a biodegradable alternative to plastic which is durable and sustainable. You can check it out here on our website.
Melamine is also a great alternative to paper plates and plastic forks! It's durable, easy to clean and looks pretty good too! You can view our different ranges of Melamine on our website here.

If you’re looking for fresh produce on your camping trips, you can shop for your produce at local farm shops and markets. Not only is this shopping local, it also helps the local economy by shopping local.

Cleaning up your camping pitch

When it’s sadly time to go home, it’s important that you tidy up your camping pitch from litter and ensuring it is clean ready for the next campers to use. It’s really important that you don’t leave a trace, as you’ll be helping the next campers after you and also leaving less hazards for the local wildlife.

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