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OLPRO Launch New Discount Codes

OLPRO Launch New Discount Codes

We’ve launched 10% discount codes in cooperation with a variety of health sectors to show our appreciation for everything they have done throughout the past year during the pandemic.

Health Service Discounts

We have teamed up with Health Service Discounts to offer a 10% discount for all the health workers! You can see if you are eligible for the OLPRO discount by visiting their website and signing up.


Discount for Carers

We are offering a 10% discount for all carers on the Discount for Carers website! You can sign up for the discount over on their website.


Discounts for Teachers

We are also offering a 10% discount for all teachers with the Discount for Teachers website! Check out their website to see if you are eligible for the discount as they offer it for teachers, trainee student teachers as well as other staff members who work within a school.


Charity Workers

Finally, we have also teamed up with the Charity Worker Discounts website to offer a 10% discount for charity workers. Make sure to check out their website to see if you are eligible as they offer this discount to a range of volunteers.


Daniel Walton, Founder of OLPRO said: “Obviously it’s been an incredibly tough year for everyone across the globe, but there are certain professions that have really faced the brunt of the impact that COVID has had. We therefore wanted to show our respect to all of the carers, teachers, charity workers and health service workers that have given their everything over the past 12 months, and the new discounts are just a little way of showing our appreciation.”


“We’re proud to be able to use our position as an e-commerce business to try to help all parts of society whenever we physically can and we hope that we can inspire other businesses to do their bit to help society also.”

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