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Poll - Favourite Campsite Activity

Poll - Favourite Campsite Activity

As part of our new Twitter campaign to get to know our customers, we asked what your favourite campsite activity was, and the results are an even split! We’re pretty surprised that there was an even split in the answers, but we aren’t surprised in what you chose as your answers!

Roasting Marshmallows and Hiking

Our Twitter poll revealed that 50% of you love roasting marshmallows the most and 50% love going hiking on their camping trips!

Roasting marshmallows is a great activity to do when your camping. You can sit around a warm fire with your friends and family sharing stories whilst warming up your marshmallows for some tasty s’mores to eat! We think that taking marshmallows and some chocolate digestive biscuits is an essential part of camping and can be a tasty treat to end a good day of camping activities!

Some of the best camping adventures tend to involve a lot of hiking or some great local trails, where you can enjoy being at one with nature and seeing the amazing views of your chosen destination.

When booking your chosen campsites, make sure you ask for recommended local hikes or trails that you can take a look at before you go, so you can plan out your hiking adventures. Or you can also google some trails that are local to the campsite!

Playing Board Games and Playing cards

We were surprised to see that none of you preferred playing board games and cards! We find that taking a couple board games or cards away with you on your camping adventures is great for family time and prove to be great alternatives to being on electronics. We know that sometimes children can get a little bored and restless, so a good board game can occupy them for a really long time.

You can take our next poll on our Twitter where we ask you ‘What would you prefer to bring camping with you?

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