Poll - 50% Prefer Reading Books
14th May 2021
Poll - 50% Prefer Reading BooksWe asked you last week on Twitter what would you prefer to take on your camping adventures? The results were pretty mixed and we love to get to know how you spend your camping adventures!A Reading Book50% of you said that you preferred to take a reading book with you on your camping adventures! It’s always nice to get away from the usual hustle an
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Poll - Favourite Campsite Activity
6th May 2021
Poll - Favourite Campsite ActivityAs part of our new Twitter campaign to get to know our customers, we asked what your favourite campsite activity was, and the results are an even split! We’re pretty surprised that there was an even split in the answers, but we aren’t surprised in what you chose as your answers!Roasting Marshmallows and HikingOur Twitter poll revealed that 50%
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